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Fun Ways to Exercise Your Dog

Fun Ways to Exercise Your Dog

Dogs make the best workout buddies! They never complain or cancel on you last minute, and as creatures of habit they will hold you accountable for getting outdoors and stretching your legs. And, their energy is contagious: studies show that canine owners are 34% more likely to get the recommended 150 minutes of exercise a week than folks who do…

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Protect Your Pets from the Tick-ing Time Bomb!

Protect Your Pets from the Tick-ing Time Bomb!

Finally, a reason to be thankful for the bitter cold we’ve experienced this winter! Unlike previous winters that have been relatively mild (and have led to an extremely heavy tick season), those bone-chilling days should have helped to bring the tick population back to normal levels. While the biting cold does help to kill off some of the ticks, most…

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