Pet Health

Celebrating National Pet Dental Health Month: A Guide to Happy, Healthy Smiles

Celebrating National Pet Dental Health Month: A Guide to Happy, Healthy Smiles

February is not just the month of love; it’s also National Pet Dental Health Month! Just as we prioritize our dental care, extending the same level of attention to our furry friends is crucial. A healthy smile is a sign of overall well-being in pets, and this month is the perfect opportunity to raise awareness about the importance of pet…

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Unmasking the Hidden Burden: Recognizing Warning Signs of Pet Obesity

Unmasking the Hidden Burden: Recognizing Warning Signs of Pet Obesity

As pet owners, we strive to provide the best care for our furry companions, ensuring their health and happiness. However, one often underestimated and overlooked issue in the pet world is obesity. Just like in humans, excess weight can have detrimental effects on our pets’ well-being. In this thought-provoking blog post, we will shed light on the warning signs of…

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The Lifesaving Check-up: Unlocking the Power of Annual Wellness Exams for Our Beloved Pets

The Lifesaving Check-up: Unlocking the Power of Annual Wellness Exams for Our Beloved Pets

As pet owners, we cherish our furry companions and strive to provide them with a lifetime of love and care. While daily routines and affection are vital, there is one essential aspect of pet ownership that should never be overlooked: annual wellness exams. These regular check-ups with a trusted veterinarian hold a wealth of benefits that can significantly impact the…

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Housebreaking Puppy Tips and How to Eliminate Accidents

Housebreaking Puppy Tips and How to Eliminate Accidents

Housebreaking is one of the most important things you can do for your furry friend. It not only helps keep your home clean and odor-free but also ensures that your dog is comfortable and happy. Proper potty training is a process that requires patience, consistency, and positive reinforcement. Here are some tips on how to properly potty train your dog:…

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Is Your Pet Microchipped? Here’s Why They Should Be!

Is Your Pet Microchipped? Here’s Why They Should Be!

A big misconception about microchipping your pet is that the chips are public GPS trackers, locating your every move. However, that could not be further from the truth. In case of your pet getting out or becoming lost, a microchip containing a unique identification number will greatly increase the chances you and your pet are reunited. This chip cannot be…

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5 New Year’s Resolutions You Can Make With Your Pet

5 New Year’s Resolutions You Can Make With Your Pet

Happy New Year from your friends at Animal Health Center! Start the new year off on the right paw by developing some wellness-oriented New Year’s resolutions for your pet. Your cat or dog depends on you to help them stay healthy and happy. The good news is that there are many easy-to-follow resolutions that you and your pet can do…

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