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Protect Your Pets from the Tick-ing Time Bomb!

Protect Your Pets from the Tick-ing Time Bomb!

Finally, a reason to be thankful for the bitter cold we’ve experienced this winter! Unlike previous winters that have been relatively mild (and have led to an extremely heavy tick season), those bone-chilling days should have helped to bring the tick population back to normal levels. While the biting cold does help to kill off some of the ticks, most…

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Black Cat Superstitions: The Good, The Bad, and The Mostly Nonsensical

Black Cat Superstitions: The Good, The Bad, and The Mostly Nonsensical

WHAT MAKES A BLACK CAT…BLACK? Generally, when you think of a black cat, what breed comes to mind? Don’t know? Don’t feel bad, I didn’t have a clue either and I own two black furry kitty children. Surprisingly, the Cat Fanciers’ Association (CFA) recognizes 22 different cat breeds that have all black coats. These cats are called “solids” or “selfs”…

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Do Dogs Have Cleaner Mouths Than Humans?

Do Dogs Have Cleaner Mouths Than Humans?

You may have heard somewhere that dogs have cleaner mouths than humans… but then you witness Fido eating his own feces, rummaging through the trash, and cleaning his canine genital areas. How can their mouths be cleaner than humans who regular take care of their dental hygiene through brushing and flossing? This is a question that we often hear when…

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